Choosing the Right Trustee for Your Estate Plan: Important Factors to Consider

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Estate planning is an important process for everyone, but it is especially crucial for blended families, people who own small businesses, and high-net-worth families.  One key aspect of estate planning is choosing the right trustee to administer your estate after you pass away.  The trustee is responsible for managing and distributing the assets in your estate to your beneficiaries in accordance with your wishes.  However, selecting the right trustee is not always easy.  In this blog, we will discuss some important factors to consider when choosing a trustee and the value of seeking assistance from a law firm in this process.

Basic Requirements under Florida Law to Be a Trustee

Before we dive into the factors to consider when choosing a trustee, it is important to understand the basic requirements under Florida law for someone to serve as a trustee.  First, the trustee must be at least 18 years of age.  Second, the trustee must have the mental capacity to fulfill the duties of the role.  This means that the trustee must have the ability to understand and carry out their responsibilities.  Last, the trustee must not have any conflicts of interest that would prevent them from acting in the best interests of the beneficiaries.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Trustee

When choosing a trustee for your estate plan, there are several factors that you should take into consideration.  These factors include:

  •  Financial Responsibility: One of the most important qualities in a trustee is financial responsibility.  The trustee will be responsible for managing your assets and ensuring that they are distributed to your beneficiaries according to your wishes.  It is essential to choose a trustee who has a track record of responsible financial management and investment.

  • Understanding of Family Dynamics and Values: The trustee will be responsible for managing your estate and making decisions that may impact your family members for years to come.  Thus, it is important to choose a trustee who has a good understanding of your family dynamics and values.  This will ensure that they can make decisions that are in the best interests of your family members.  Also consider leaving a letter of wishes outlining your values and goals for your family after you are gone. 

  • Fiduciary Experience: A trustee has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries.  It is important to choose a trustee who has experience fulfilling this duty or understands the gravity of the role.  This experience can come from managing their own finances. from serving as a trustee for other individuals, or through their work being a fiduciary advisor to their clients (attorneys, accountants, etc.).

  • Professionalism and Integrity: The trustee must always act with professionalism and integrity.  It is important to choose a trustee who has a reputation for these qualities.  The trustee must not only manage the trust and assets with expertise, but must also build rapport with the beneficiaries.

The Value of Seeking Assistance from a Law Firm

Choosing the right trustee for your estate plan can be a complex and challenging process.  Seeking assistance from a law firm can be invaluable in vetting who is the best option for your family.  A law firm can help you analyze potential choices of trustees and determine who is best suited for the role based on our experience working with numerous families over the years and seeing how those decisions played out.  The law firm can also provide guidance on legal and financial matters related to estate planning or make referrals for you to other trusted professionals when you need advice in those areas.

The Pitfalls of Assuming that the Eldest Child Should Automatically be Chosen as the Trustee

It is common for individuals to assume that their eldest child should automatically be chosen as the trustee.  However, this is not always the best choice.  Each child has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to choose the child who is best suited for the role.  For example, if the eldest child has a history of poor financial management, or being negatively influenced by their spouse, it may not be wise to appoint them as the trustee.  This is one area in particular where your attorney will need candor from you in describing the strengths and weaknesses of your family to be able to give you the best advice possible.

Scenarios Where a Professional Trustee May be Better Suited to the Task

In some cases, a professional trustee may be better suited to the task of administering your estate.  For example, if your estate is particularly complex, there is a history of family conflict, or  family members with addiction issues, then a professional trustee may be able to provide impartial and unbiased management of your estate.  Professional trustees can also provide expertise in financial and legal matters related to estate planning.  A professional trustee may be a national bank or trust company, a local bank or trust company, or an individual with professional experience in providing trustee services.

Real-World Examples

To illustrate the importance of selecting the right trustee, let us consider two real-world examples.

  •  Example 1: Mary is a wealthy business owner with two children, Tom and Sarah.  Mary appoints Tom as the trustee for her estate without considering his financial management skills or his relationship with Sarah.  After Mary passes away, Tom mismanages the estate funds by being too aggressive with risky business decisions that do not pan out and also favors his own interests over Sarah’s.  This causes a rift between the siblings and leads to a prolonged legal battle that ultimately results in a new trustee replacing Tom.

  • Example 2: Marc is a wealthy individual with a complex estate that includes investments, real estate, and operating businesses.  Marc appoints his long-time financial advisor as the trustee for his estate.  The financial advisor has experience managing complex estates and is able to navigate Marc’s assets and distribute them according to his wishes.  This ensures that Marc’s beneficiaries receive their inheritance without any issues and that the assets of the estate are made productive for generations to come.

In both examples, the choice of trustee had a significant impact on the outcome of the estate distribution.  It is important to carefully consider the qualities and experience of potential trustees to avoid potential conflicts or mismanagement of your assets.


In conclusion, choosing the right trustee for your estate plan is a crucial aspect of estate planning. When selecting a trustee, it is important to consider factors such as financial responsibility, understanding of family dynamics and values, fiduciary experience, and professionalism and integrity.  Seeking assistance from a law firm can provide valuable guidance in this process.  It is also important to avoid assuming that the eldest child should automatically be chosen as the trustee and to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each potential candidate.  In some cases, a professional trustee may be better suited to the task.  By carefully selecting the right trustee, you can ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and avoid potential conflicts among your beneficiaries. If you are interested in learning more about trustee selection or estate planning for high-net-worth families, please contact our estate planning attorneys.