Catherine Hanna Presenting at 2020 Bench Bar Conference

On October 2, 2020, ShuffieldLowman attorney Catherine Hanna will be presenting a session on Electronic Wills and Notary as a part of the 2020 Bench Bar Conference, a distance learning event. This online conference session will take place from 11:10 AM to 12:00 PM. Catherine works extensively in the practice areas of fiduciary litigation, probate and trust disputes, and elder law.
The 2020 Bench Bar Conference will provide 55 advanced placement CLE sessions on the following topics: Appellate Practice, Business Law, Criminal Law, Estate, Guardianship & Trust Law, Employment Law, Family Law, Personal Injury / Insurance Law & Practice Management. Registration includes access to all the live sessions and session recordings post conference. Registration is $115 for Orange County Bar Association Members, and $165 for nonmembers. For further information and registration details, visit: