Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter Pro-Am Golf Tournament

ShuffieldLowman is proud to have been a sponsor of the Veterans Housing Initiative Pro-Am Golf Tournament presented by Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter. The event kicked off a fund raising campaign to build a house for a disabled Vietnam Veteran, and launched a campaign for a new 15 bed Transitional Housing Facility for Veterans. ShuffieldLowman attorney Jason Davis is a Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter Board of Directors member. The Veterans Housing Initiative is a partnership between Habitat for Humanity of Lake-Sumter and LifeStream. Serving as community catalysts, Habitat and LifeStream, in partnership with the PGA Tour Players, are leading an effort to support and encourage the estimated 2,800 servicemen and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Veterans Initiative campaign is designed to raise the capital to fund a vision that helps facilitate movement of Veterans toward self-sufficiency and shelter. Once completed, the Transitional Unit for Veterans will serve an estimated 50 vets a year. Visit Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter to learn more about supporting Habitat for Humanity and the Veterans Initiative.